Unlimited CPA CPE

Fulfill your CPE requirements with our hassle-free Unlimited CPA CPE membership!
- One Year of Access to All Courses Listed Below, Excluding Ethics
- PDF Course Materials with Instant Grading and Certificates
- Over 900 Hours to Choose From
- $149/yr, No Additional Fees
- State Ethics Courses Are Available for Separate Purchase

Course Title | Hours | Category |
Managers & Auditors Fraud Examination Popular | 24 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.80 / 5 This course is an ideal introduction for beginners in the field of fraud examination and fraud-awareness
auditing. It outlines the basics surrounding fraud examination including the law and criminology, presents
the components associated with employee and management fraud, and provides an overview of the
general fraud examination methodology and fraud theory approach. It also explains how audits of financial
statements can be developed to detect fraud in consideration of different accounting cycles. The purpose
of this course is to give practical guidance and enhance the financial professional’s ability to recognize,
detect, and prevent financial fraud in organizations as it relates to financial statement reporting. This
course is ideal material in the field of auditing for fraud.
Course #: 1005D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 492
Questions: 120
| ||
Auditing: Latest Updates | 16 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.83 / 5 The objective of this course is to address the latest developments affecting 2023 and 2024 audit
engagements. Topics include: addressing the auditor’s consideration of the business and economic
environment in which the client operates; accounting and auditing engagement issues during COVID-19,
including the impact of the pandemic on an entity’s ability to continue as a going-concern; client and
employee fraud; specific accounting risks for auditors to consider; limiting auditor’s liability; key audit
focus areas during volatile times; lessons from litigation; efficiency engagements to reduce auditor time; various practice issues related to audits; dealing with DOL audits of employee benefit plans, and more.
Additionally, in this course, auditors will learn about auditing estimates, obtaining audit evidence, changes
made to the auditor’s understanding of the entity and its environment, risk assessment procedures, using
the work of specialists as audit evidence, changes to compliance audits, and more. These changes are
found in newly issued SAS Nos. 142-149. The course focuses on recalling, recognizing, and identifying
rules related to auditing standards, including new developments pertaining to those standards.
Course #: 1095E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 484
Questions: 80
| ||
Internal Controls | 12 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.66 / 5 Internal controls are necessary in order to provide reliable, timely, and useful data needed to support
operating, budgeting, and policy decisions. This course takes a “toolkit” approach to address a practical
need for a series of standards of internal controls that can be used to mitigate risk within any size
organization. It contains detailed controls and risks outlined for key business processes as well as material
to improve internal control efforts. It also provides guidance for M&A projects and SOX 404 initiatives.
Course #: 1100C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 12
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 426
Questions: 60
| ||
Audit Reporting Standards: SAS 134-141 | 10 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.75 / 5 The objective of this course is to address the new audit reporting standards issued by the Auditing
Standards Board as SAS Nos. 134-141. Topics include an overview of the new auditor’s report found in SAS No. 134’s AU-C 700A, including the new report’s format, positioning of sections within the report, title, headings, and expanded language; amendments made to various reporting standards by SAS No. 135; a review of the new ERISA plan audit standard found in SAS No. 136, AU-C 703, including the format of the new ERISA-plan auditor’s report, positioning of sections of that report, the new ERISA Section 103(a) (3)(C) audit (formerly a limited-scope audit) and the auditor’s report thereon, expanded audit procedures, and communications required by auditors of ERISA-plan financial statements; changes made by SAS No. 137 to the auditor’s procedures and reporting on other information; changes made to the definition of materiality by SAS No. 138; changes made to special reports by SAS No, 139; and amendments made by SAS No. 140 to supplementary information, required supplementary information, compliance audits, interim financial information, and audits of internal control over financial reporting.
Course #: 1115B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 294
Questions: 50
| ||
Understanding The Fraudster | 10 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.77 / 5 About 80% of occupational fraud is committed by insiders. The reason this is still so prevalent is that
organizations fail to adequately understand the characteristics of fraud perpetrators. Most fraud prevention and detection programs focus on controlling the environment rather than on the actual source of the fraud – people. This course provides a comprehensive overview of investigative psychology that will allow businesses to close this gap in fraud prevention.
This course will guide readers through a step-by-step process of developing a fraud profiling methodology.
It includes a host of charts and diagrams to illustrate the process that include: instructions for productive
data mining, compiling a list of key characteristics of the fraudster, evidence-based red flags and warning
signs, and a guide to bringing human resources on board during the recruitment process.
Course #: 1080E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 313
Questions: 50
| ||
Yellow Book | 8 | Auditing (Governmental) |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.85 / 5 This course provides a framework for performing high-quality audit work according to Generally Accepted
Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) with competence, integrity, objectivity, and independence to
provide accountability and to help improve government operations and services.
Course #: 1135B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 241
Questions: 40
| ||
Fraud Analytics | 6 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.54 / 5
Course #: 1090B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 170
Questions: 30
| ||
Corporate Fraud and Manipulation | 6 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.82 / 5 This course offers a comprehensive guide to corporate fraud and manipulation. It is filled with facts,
insights, and helpful suggestions for understanding and preventing corporate malfeasance before it
takes hold in an organization. It contains an exploration of the warning signs that accounting fraud may
be taking place and details some proven techniques for identifying, preventing, and addressing fraud.
You’ll find descriptions of both legal and illegal practices, as well as explanations of the role of corporate
governance plays in mitigating these fraudulent practices.
Course #: 1110B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 220
Questions: 30
| ||
Audit Reporting Standards: SAS 142-145 | 4 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.83 / 5 The objective of this course is to address the auditing standards issued by the Auditing Standards Board as SAS Nos. 142-145. The first segment of the course addresses SAS No. 142’s expanded guidance on what comprises audit evidence in a financial statement audit. Topics include: evaluating audit evidence; testing audit evidence; relevance and reliability of audit evidence, including its source; susceptibility to management bias; corroborative or contradictory information; evaluating whether information is sufficiently precise and detailed for the auditor’s purposes; and use of automated tools and techniques.
The second segment is a review of SAS No. 143’s guidance on accounting estimates, including the degree of estimation uncertainty; risk assessment procedures related to accounting estimates; identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement, including responses to the assessment; indicators of possible management bias, and more.
The third segment consists of a review of SAS No. 144’s changes to auditing standards in connection with use of specialists (management and auditor specialists) and use of price information obtained from external sources.
The final section addresses significant changes made by SAS No. 145 to the auditor’s understanding of an entity and its environment and the assessment of risks of material misstatement.
Course #: 1125B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 149
Questions: 20
| ||
Audit Reporting Standards: SAS 146-149 New | 2 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 The objective of this course is to review four recently issued auditing standards: SAS Nos. 146-149.
The first section reviews the requirements found in SAS No. 146 related to quality management of an
audit engagement, including identifying the key elements of quality management, the important role and responsibilities of the engagement partner in managing the audit, and the importance of quality to all members of the audit engagement team. The second section informs the reader of the various changes made to AU-C 210, Terms of Engagement, by SAS No. 147 in connection with fraud and noncompliance with laws and regulations. Topics include clarifying requirements and guidance related to a successor auditor’s inquiries of a predecessor auditor, responsibilities of the predecessor auditor to respond to successor auditor inquiries when authorized by management, and more. The third section addresses amendments made to AU-C 935, Compliance Audits, by SAS No. 148, to reflect changes made by recently issued auditing standards SAS No. 142 and 145. The course also identifies amendments to the appendix to AU-C 935 that identifies AU-C sections that are specifically excluded from application to compliance audits. Finally, SAS No. 149 addresses special considerations that apply to a group audit, including in circumstances in which component auditors are involved or when the group auditor makes reference to the audit of a referenced-to auditor.
Course #: 1140A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 83
Questions: 10
| ||
Fraudulent Financial Reporting | 2 | Auditing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.92 / 5 “Management fraud” and “fraudulent financial reporting” are synonymous. In general, financial statement fraud occurs through: (1) the overstatement of assets and income, and (2) the understatement of liabilities and expenses. Since the production of financial statements is the responsibility of management, financial statement fraud almost always occurs with the knowledge or consent of management.
Course #: 1020E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Auditing
Total Pages: 49
Questions: 10

Course Title | Hours | Category |
Government Accounting | 24 | Accounting (Governmental) |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.77 / 5 This course is designed to provide current accounting and reporting standards and practices related to
government accounting. It also covers the reasons behind the standards and practices, their strengths
and limitations, and possible alternatives. This course covers the changes in the standards as a result of
several new GASB Statements that have required implementation over the past several years, including
those related to the more rigorous accounting and reporting requirements for pension and health care
Course #: 2115E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 546
Questions: 120
| ||
Compilation and Review | 20 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.81 / 5 The objective of this course is to inform the reader of the various changes made to the compilation and
review standards by the AICPA’s Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC), and to address
practice issues related to compilation and review engagements.
The first section of this course consists of an overview of SSARS No. 21, as amended by SSARS No. 22 through 26, and addresses the three types of engagements that can be performed under the SSARSs: a preparation of financial statements engagement, a compilation engagement, and a review engagement.
There is also a discussion of the new Quality Management (QM) Standards in SSARS No. 26.
The remainder of the course consists of practice issues in compilation and review engagements. Topics include a discussion of an accountant’s responsibility for fraud, internal control and going concern, representation letters for review engagements, personal financial statements, tax-basis financial statements, legends on financial statements, accountant’s liability in compilation and review engagements, saving time in engagements, ethics and independence issues, and more. The focus of the course is to identify, recognize and recall the rules pertaining to various pronouncements, including those related to recent developments.
Course #: 2045J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 657
Questions: 100
| ||
GAAP: Comprehensive Guide | 16 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.84 / 5 This course covers a variety of issues related to GAAP, including the unusual reporting and disclosure
issues that develop in practice, such as how to disclose life insurance, leases, catastrophes, and taxbasis
financial statements.
Course #: 2005J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 403
Questions: 80
| ||
Accounting and Financial Reporting: Latest Updates | 16 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.76 / 5 The purpose of this course is to inform the reader of the various changes to accounting and financial
reporting affecting the accounting professional. Topics include a review of FASB projects, including those related to financial performance, leases, financial instruments, practice issues involving the statement of cash flows, fair value reporting, pensions, the international convergence project, little GAAP, and more. The structure of the course is to encourage the reader to recall existing GAAP rules coupled with identifying, stating, and outlining rules related to new and proposed pronouncements. This course also includes a discussion of accounting and financial reporting issues- post-COVID, the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), including the accounting for the IRS ERC Withdrawal program, and the Pass Through Entity (PTE) Tax.
Course #: 2100H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 512
Questions: 80
| ||
The New Lease Standard New | 10 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.71 / 5 The purpose of this course is to review the changes made to lease accounting by ASU 2016-02, Leases, (as further amended by ASU 2018-01, Land Easement- Practical Expedient for Transition to Topic 842, and numerous other amendments), and to establish the principles that lessees and lessors shall apply to report useful information to users of financial statements about the amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from a lease. Topics include a review of the new rules for lessees and lessors, the types of leases, how to account for the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flows statement impacts of different types of leases, the implementation requirements, and more. This course also addresses newly issued ASU 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842)- Common Control Arrangements, addressing the application of the lease standard to common control arrangements.
Course #: 2150A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 344
Questions: 50
| ||
Enron and the SEC | 8 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.65 / 5 This course covers the factors that led to the demise of Enron, as well as some of the changes that were made to accounting, auditing, and SEC rules as a result of those issues identified in the Enron situation. It reviews the GAAP rules that were in effect at the time of the Enron abuses, as well as examining the aftermath of Enron, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the new consolidation rules related to variable interest entities.
Course #: 2035B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 169
Questions: 40
| ||
The New Revenue Standard | 8 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.78 / 5 The objective of this course is to address the new revenue standard in ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, and its related updates, and provide guidance to nonpublic (private) entities that implemented the standard in 2020 and are continuing to experience post-implementation issues.
Topics include an overview of the new standard and its core principle, an analysis of each of the five steps
required in the revenue model, selected issues encompassing principal versus agent considerations,
dealing with warranties, bill-and-hold arrangements, and consignment transactions. The course also
addresses how to account for contract costs, financial statement presentation of revenue-related
accounts, disclosures, and transition methods and guidance.
Course #: 2125F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 267
Questions: 40
| ||
Basic Real Estate Accounting Principles | 6 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.89 / 5 This course is filled with practical information for putting basic real estate accounting principles to work for you or your organization. It is a road map to a broad range of real estate accounting topics, including all forms of ownership. It will introduce real estate terms and products, discuss various types of transactions and address the audits that real estate entities are
subjected to.
This course requires no real estate accounting experience and will provide basic coverage of topics such as forms of real estate entities, accounting for operating property revenues and expenses, accounting for capital improvements and tenant inducements, real estate valuation and investment analysis, accounting for real estate investments and acquisition costs, and accounting for project development costs on a GAAP basis.
Course #: 2060G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 227
Questions: 30
| ||
A Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting | 5 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.80 / 5 This course addresses accounting and reporting issues that affect not-for-profits in general, and considers
the issues facing two specialized entities: colleges and universities, and hospitals and other health care
Course #: 2140B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 5
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 141
Questions: 25
| ||
Accounting and Financial Reporting: COVID-19, CARES Act, and PPP | 4 | Acct/Audit |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.69 / 5 The objective of this course is to review the impact that COVID-19 has on accounting and financial reporting, and the changes made by the 2020 CARES Act, and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, including accounting for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and forgiveness.
Topics include: Disclosures of risks and uncertainties; going-concern reporting and disclosure issues; impairment issues related to goodwill and other long-lived assets; accounting for variable consideration
revenue and onerous contracts; dealing with inventory costs and stock market investment losses; collectibility of trade receivables; exit and termination benefit obligations; contingencies; and accounting and auditing engagement matters. The course also discusses the accounting for PPP loans and forgiveness, and the accounting for tax changes made by the CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act, and more.
Course #: 2135B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: 2 Accounting, 2 Auditing
Total Pages: 127
Questions: 20
| ||
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - Impact on Accounting and Financial Reporting | 2 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.55 / 5 The objective of this course is to inform the reader of impacts the changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act have on GAAP and financial reporting. Topics include an analysis of adjustments required to be made to deferred income tax assets and liabilities, including those assets related to net operating losses, the newly issued ASU 2018-02 related to the tax effect of accumulated other comprehensive income, accounting for the change from an S to a C corporation, the impact of the elimination of like-kind exchanges, GAAP accounting for bonus and Section 179 depreciation, new limitations on the interest deduction, SEC SAB 118 transition rules, presenting the tax benefit of an NOL carryover, and more.
Course #: 2110C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 86
Questions: 10
| ||
Tax-Basis Financial Statements | 2 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.86 / 5 This course covers how to disclose and present tax-basis financial statements.
Course #: 2090J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 76
Questions: 10
| ||
Employee Retention Credit and Pass-Through Entity Tax | 2 | Accounting |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.78 / 5 The objective of this course is to review the accounting and financial disclosures related to two recent changes from legislation: the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and the Pass-Through Entity (PTE) Tax.
Topics include: An overview of the ERC rules; models to use to account for the ERC; comparing use of
the ASC 958 model with the IAS 20 model to account for the ERC; disclosures required for the ERC,
including disclosures found in newly issued ASU 2021-10; fixing 2021 ERC presentation and disclosure errors; presenting the ERC on tax-basis financial statements; overview of the Pass-Through Entity (PTE)
Tax election; GAAP accounting for the PTE tax; GAAP disclosures for the PTE tax; presenting the PTE tax on tax-basis financial statements, dealing with ERC withdrawals and filings in 2023 and 2024, and
Course #: 2145B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Accounting
Total Pages: 64
Questions: 10

Course Title | Hours | Category |
Tax-Exempt Organizations | 24 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.67 / 5 Form 990 and its related parts has always been a challenge for tax practitioners. This course will help you
understand how this form is used by tax-exempt organizations to “tell their story,” as well as walk through
the form and its related schedules line by line. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00432-24-S
Course #: 3375B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 646
Questions: 120
| ||
Income Tax for Individuals For 2024 Returns | 24 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.85 / 5 This course provides a general overview of federal income tax laws for individuals. It explains who must
file, which tax forms to use, when the return is due, and other general information. It will provide guidance
on which filing status can be used and whether the income received is taxable. The course also explains
the standard deduction, the kinds of expenses that can be deducted, and the various credits that are
available to reduce the total tax due.
FOR 2024 RETURNS IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00442-24-S
Course #: 3105M
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 587
Questions: 120
| ||
Financial Planning | 20 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.77 / 5 Any type of investment decision or financial plan must include an analysis of many factors, including the
risk of the investment, the individual or couple’s short term and long term financial needs, and the related
tax implications. This course covers the tax issues and consequences related to investment decisions,
retirement planning, and estate and education planning. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00436-24-S
Course #: 3090K
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 458
Questions: 100
| ||
Nonprofit Taxation | 18 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.67 / 5 Nonprofits must comply with special IRS rules and regulations in order to maintain their tax-exempt
status. This course will explain the ongoing and annual IRS compliance requirements for nonprofits. It
goes into detail on Form 990, 990-EZ, and nonprofit bookkeeping. It will also cover the rules you will
need to know on issues such as charitable giving, conflict of interest, compensation, unrelated taxable
business income, and political activity restrictions. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00446-24-S
Course #: 3380B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 18
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 373
Questions: 90
| ||
S Corporation Basics | 16 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.84 / 5 S corporations are currently the largest tax filer in the United States of America. This course covers the
tax considerations in electing S corporation status, the advantages and disadvantages of S corporate
taxation, the requirements to be an S corporation, and trusts that qualify as S corporation shareholders.
It also covers the filing of an S corporation election and tax return, accounting methods and tax years of
S corporations, and items related to an S corporation’s income, loss, and deductible expenses. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00422-24-S
Course #: 3325C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 309
Questions: 80
| ||
Home Business Deductions | 16 | Taxes |
![]() This course discusses how home business owners can reduce taxes by taking advantage of the array
of deductions available to them. Covering topics from what qualifies as a home business, recordkeeping
and accounting, start up and operating expenses, as well as more advanced deductions such as longterm
assets, medical expenses, and retirement plans - this course looks at home business tax issues
from all angles. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00451-25-S
Course #: 3300E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 388
Questions: 80
| ||
S Corporation Taxes and Credits | 15 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.70 / 5 In Part 2 of the S corporations series, we cover corporate income taxes and credits affecting S corporations, when a shareholder recognizes income and losses, how items passed through to shareholders are allocated, the tax consequences when an S corporation makes distributions to its shareholders, and
income and estate planning situations for S corporations. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00421-24-S
Course #: 3330C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 15
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 309
Questions: 75
| ||
S Corporation Changes and Alternatives | 15 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 Part 3 of the S Corporation series covers changes to S corporations, including the termination and
revocation of S status and the impact of such. It also provides a comparison to other business entities
, including PSCs, general partnerships, limited partnerships, and LLCs. It also reviews subsidiaries,
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), and the effect that Code Sec. 1411 has on S corporation
shareholders. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00428-24-S
Course #: 3335C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 15
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 306
Questions: 75
| ||
Retirement Plans: IRAs, 401(k)s, and More | 12 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.86 / 5 This course will make sense of the different rules for taking money out of IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, Keoghs, and other retirement plans, and show you how to minimize paying taxes and penalties when doing so. It will address tax strategies, required distributions, penalties, inherited plans, and what happens upon death or divorce. It covers the latest changes, including the new start age for required distributions, new rules for inherited plans, new life expectancy tables, and rules regarding taxation and repayment of COVID-related distributions. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00405-24-S
Course #: 3345D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 12
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 376
Questions: 60
| ||
Estate and Trust Taxation | 12 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.74 / 5 This course has two major components. The first component is designed to be a general overview of
the responsibilities of the person in charge of the property (estate) of an individual who has died. The
second component provides detailed line-by-line instructions regarding how to prepare an estate and
trust income tax return. The course has numerous examples and completed forms required to file Form
1041. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00411-24-S
Course #: 3295D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 12
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 292
Questions: 60
| ||
Recording Sales and Dispositions of Various Assets | 10 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.78 / 5 This course is designed to help the accountant to properly record the sale and dispositions of various
types of assets. It covers sales and exchanges, abandonments, foreclosures and repossessions, and
involuntary conversions. Like-kind exchanges and installment sales are also discussed. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00409-24-S
Course #: 3050L
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 220
Questions: 50
| ||
Divorce and Taxes: Common Issues | 10 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.82 / 5 Going through a divorce can be a traumatic and highly emotional experience that also carries some serious tax consequences. This course covers many of these issues, including those associated with alimony and child support, the splitting and transferring of property, changes in filing status, and the impact of community property laws. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00434-24-S
Course #: 3005I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 246
Questions: 50
| ||
Introduction to Partnerships and LLCs | 10 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.81 / 5 This course is the first in a series of several parts that will delve into the complex issue of partnership taxation. It communicates the important facts using direct and understandable language, plus it is filled with illustrative examples, observations, and charts to provide clarity throughout. This first part is focused on preliminary considerations such as partnership formation, the application of partnership taxation to LLCs, liability issues, IRS classification, audit issues, character and presentation of partnership income, and much more. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00438-24-S
Course #: 3305C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 199
Questions: 50
| ||
Maximizing Deductions: Car, Travel, and Home Office | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.82 / 5 This course will guide you through the ins and outs of maximizing business deductions for car expenses,
travel, meals, and home offices. It includes detailed, clear explanations and practical examples of how
the tax law is applied. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00410-24-S
Course #: 3250F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 208
Questions: 40
| ||
A Guide to IRAs | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.79 / 5 This course provides an understanding of the various individual retirement arrangements. It covers
traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, Simplified Employee Pensions (SEPs), and Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLEs). It explains the rules for setting up an IRA, contributing to an IRA, transferring money or property to and from an IRA, handling an inherited IRA, making withdrawals from an IRA, receiving distributions from an IRA, and taking a credit for contributions to an IRA. It also explains the penalties and additional taxes that apply when the rules are not followed. To assist in complying with the tax rules for IRAs, this course contains worksheets, sample forms, and tables, which can be found throughout the course and in the appendices in the back. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00416-24-S
Course #: 3350B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 244
Questions: 40
| ||
Introduction to Pensions and Annuities | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.76 / 5 This course is designed to provide you with a broad overview of how pension and annuity income is
taxed. It covers the “General Rule,” the “Simplified Method,” and qualified and nonqualified plans. The
various examples will show how to calculate the tax-free return of your net cost. Lastly, the course covers
how U.S. Civil Service Retirement benefits are taxed. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00418-24-S
Course #: 3165H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 266
Questions: 40
| ||
Short-Term Rental Taxation | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.82 / 5 Short-term rentals entitle hosts to take advantage of a variety of deductions and other tax benefits.
Whether they are renting through Airbnb, FlipKey, TripAdvisor, Craigslist, or VRBO, it is important to
understand the tax rules specific to this market, including the 20% pass-through deduction. This course
will address which expenses can be deducted, how to report the income, how to deduct losses, and
vacation home and tax-free rental rules. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00419-24-S
Course #: 3370B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 182
Questions: 40
| ||
2025 Filing Season Income Tax Update | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Each year, income tax return preparation must take into account inflation-related changes to various
limits and new tax laws. This course outlines those changes as well as recent updates for the 2025 filing
season, a general tax review, and important rules governing tax return practices and procedures. IRS Approval: XE26W-U-00441-24-S
Course #: 3230H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 236
Questions: 40
| ||
Partnerships and LLCs: Allocations and Deductions | 8 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.79 / 5 This course is the second in a series of several parts that will delve into the complex issue of partnership
taxation. It communicates the important facts using direct and understandable language, plus it is filled
with illustrative examples, observations and charts to provide clarity throughout. This part is focused on
partnership allocations and limitations on partnership deductions and includes a summary table for the
tax treatment of pre-opening expenses. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00439-24-S
Course #: 3310C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 182
Questions: 40
| ||
Tax Laws for Churches and Ministers | 6 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.79 / 5 This course provides an overview of the tax laws for churches, religious organizations, and ministers. It covers the information an accountant needs to know to best assist his or her clients in this area. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00403-24-S
Course #: 3200J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 131
Questions: 30
| ||
Pass-Through Entities | 6 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.73 / 5 With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the landscape for pass-through entities changes
considerably. This course focuses on the major changes made to the tax rules for pass-through entities
including LLCs, partnerships, S corporations, and sole proprietorships. This comprehensive guide covers
the mechanics of the new qualified business income deduction of 20% (Section 199A) and all other major
changes that will impact pass-through entities and their owners. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00415-24-S
Course #: 3245D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 199
Questions: 30
| ||
Partnerships and LLCs: Sales, Distributions and Adjustments | 6 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.82 / 5 This course is the third in a series of several parts that will delve into the complex issue of partnership
taxation. It communicates the important facts using direct and understandable language, plus it is filled
with illustrative examples, observations, and charts to provide clarity throughout. This part is focused on
the sale of a partnership interest, partnership distributions, and basic adjustments to partnership property. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00440-24-S
Course #: 3315C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 160
Questions: 30
| ||
Tax Planning for Small Businesses | 6 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.83 / 5 This course offers strategies for a variety of small business tax planning needs. It will serve as an excellent resource for planning strategies that can help you run a tax-smart business all year long. It will provide
guidance on opening or closing a business, running a sideline activity, and succession planning. You’ll
be able to visualize how your business actions today can affect your bottom line from a tax perspective
tomorrow. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00447-24-S
Course #: 3270G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 161
Questions: 30
| ||
Partnerships and LLCs: Special Situations | 6 | Taxes |
![]() This course is the fourth and final part in a series that delves into the complex issue of partnership
taxation. It communicates the important facts using direct and understandable language, plus it is filled
with illustrative examples, observations, and charts to provide clarity throughout. This final part is focused
on advanced topics including related party and disguised sales, the death or retirement of a partner, and special rules for S Corporations. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00450-25-S
Course #: 3320C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 137
Questions: 30
| ||
Tax Benefits for Education | 5 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.84 / 5 The variety of savings vehicles available for education can be intimidating. As an accounting professional,
it is important that you understand the various options available to your clients to be able to properly
advise them. This comprehensive course details all of the various types of tax benefits and savings
opportunities available for education. Covering Qualified Tuition Programs (529 plans), the American
opportunity credit, the lifetime learning credit, student loans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts,
Education Savings Bond Programs, and much more, this course will provide all the information you need
to properly assist your clients. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00408-24-S
Course #: 3385B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 5
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 185
Questions: 25
| ||
Health Care Savings Plans | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.87 / 5 Several federal programs have been designed to provide relief from the rising healthcare costs. This
course takes a look at several tax-advantaged plans that allow individuals to put money away tax-free
to help pay for health care costs that insurance does not cover, including deductibles and other out-of-pocket
expenses. The course covers Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs), health savings accounts
(HSAs), health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs), and health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00406-24-S
Course #: 3190K
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 106
Questions: 20
| ||
The Benefits of Roth IRAs | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.86 / 5 This course describes the benefits of a Roth IRA as compared to its traditional counterpart. The course
also covers contribution limits, eligibility requirements, rules for converting one type of IRA into another,
and rules governing the withdrawal of funds. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00407-24-S
Course #: 3065I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 92
Questions: 20
| ||
Tax Laws for U.S. Citizens and Residents Abroad | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.86 / 5 This course covers special tax rules for U.S. citizens and resident aliens who work abroad or who have
income earned in foreign countries. As a U.S. citizen or resident alien, a taxpayer’s worldwide income
generally is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where the taxpayer is living. Also, the taxpayer is
subject to the same income tax filing requirements that apply to U.S. citizens or resident aliens living in
the United States. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00412-24-S
Course #: 3210J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 117
Questions: 20
| ||
Settling IRS Tax Debt | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 This course provides the tools needed to successfully deal with the IRS when addressing and settling a tax debt. It presents information on the most common way taxpayers attempt to reduce their tax debts – the Offer in Compromise (OIC). It also reviews the bankruptcy code and provides details on penalties and interest that can accrue. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00413-24-S
Course #: 3360B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 99
Questions: 20
| ||
An Overview of S Corporations | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.77 / 5 S corporations are currently the largest tax filer in the United States of America. This course covers the
tax considerations in electing S corporation status, the advantages and disadvantages of S corporate
taxation, the requirements to be an S corporation, and trusts that qualify as S corporation shareholders. PLEASE NOTE: This course material is a component of course #3325, S Corporation Basics, and therefore we recommend that you should not take both courses in the same CPE reporting period. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00420-24-S
Course #: 3280C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 89
Questions: 20
| ||
Tax Reform: High Net Worth Individuals | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.84 / 5 The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) directly affects high-net-worth individuals, their investment
entities, and family offices. This course addresses the impact of the TCJA and its likelihood to spur gift
planning, increase the use of trusts, give rise to new compensation arrangements, and even increase the
consideration of conversion from an individual status to corporate formation. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00435-24-S
Course #: 3255E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 99
Questions: 20
| ||
Death and Tax Implications | 4 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.89 / 5 A key component of financial planning is planning for death. Death is a topic that few people want to think about, yet without proper planning can create some significant unpleasant surprises. This course covers the main tax issues that occur due to death. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00445-24-S
Course #: 3100K
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 246
Questions: 20
| ||
Federal Income Tax Changes Summary - 2024 | 3 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.72 / 5 Each year, various limits affecting income tax preparation and planning change. Some changes commonly occur each year as a result of inflation indexing, while others occur because of new legislation or the sunsetting of existing law. This course will examine the tax changes affecting 2024 as a result of passage of the SECURE Act 2.0 and the inflation-changed limits effective for 2024 that are more significant from the perspective of an income tax preparer. Some context will be supplied, as appropriate, to assist readers in understanding the changes. IRS Approval: XE26W-U-00423-24-S
Course #: 3225H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 3
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 98
Questions: 15
| ||
Profit Distribution for Owners | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.72 / 5 This course covers the manner in which profits are distributed to the owners of various types of business
entities. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00368-23-S
Course #: 3035F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 56
Questions: 10
| ||
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.59 / 5 On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), legislation designed in large part to lower consumer
energy costs and provide economic incentives to reduce the human impact on climate change, became
law. Among other provisions, the new law provides multiple tax incentives for taxpayers to:
• Make energy efficient home improvements;
• Purchase electric vehicles; and
• Afford health insurance coverage.
This course addresses the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act most likely to be of interest to tax
preparers. In so doing, it examines the tax credits available for energy-efficient home improvements, for
the purchase of new and used electric vehicles, for electric car charging and natural gas-powered car fueling devices, and clean energy generation. In addition, it discusses the expanded health insurance premium tax credits and the extension of the limitation of non-corporate taxpayer excess business losses. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00396-23-S
Course #: 3365C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 73
Questions: 10
| ||
Virtual Currency Taxation Popular | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.80 / 5 Virtual currency use is increasing, and roughly 3 in 10 Americans younger than age 30 indicate they have
invested in, traded, or used a virtual currency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. As a result, tax preparers are
more likely than ever to encounter clients who have engaged in one or more virtual currency transactions
during the year and who may have taxable income as a result. Tax Treatment of Virtual Currency briefly
discusses the nature of virtual currency, how transactions in virtual currency occur and are recorded, and the tax treatment to which they are subject. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00404-24-S
Course #: 3355C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 53
Questions: 10
| ||
Partnership Taxation | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.83 / 5 This course is designed to give a general overview of the taxation of partnerships. It explains how the
income tax laws apply to partnerships and partners. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00429-24-S
Course #: 3025I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 58
Questions: 10
| ||
Corporate Taxation: General Information | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.86 / 5 This course is designed to give a general overview of the taxation of corporations. It explains how the
income tax laws apply to corporations. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00431-24-S
Course #: 3040L
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 47
Questions: 10
| ||
Real Estate and Tax Implications | 2 | Taxes |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.92 / 5 Real estate is the largest investment most Americans will ever have. This course covers the tax implications
of selling a home, as well as the investment of a second home for personal or rental purposes. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00437-24-S
Course #: 3095K
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Taxes
Total Pages: 68
Questions: 10

Course Title | Hours | Category |
Investment Strategies and Planning | 24 | Finance |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.70 / 5 This course provides practitioners with a nuts and bolts look at the financial markets, and estate and retirement planning. Areas addressed include estate planning as a component of financial planning, tax considerations in financial planning, government regulation of the financial markets, common investment vehicles, retirement planning vehicles, and more.
Course #: 4000D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Finance
Total Pages: 462
Questions: 120
| ||
Business Law for CPAs | 24 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.79 / 5 Today’s CPA must have a working familiarity with a number of areas of business law to properly advise
clients and to protect their own interests as a practitioner. Business Law for Accountants is designed to meet both objectives. The course is broken into six main parts: (1) Business Entities; (2) Civil Liability and
Unfair Competition in Business; (3) Intellectual Property; (4) Employment Law; (5) The Law of Independent
Contractors; and (6) Bankruptcy Law for Businesses. You are bound to find many circumstances that are
relevant to you and/or your clients.
Course #: 7055B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 524
Questions: 120
| ||
Estate Planning | 24 | Business Finance |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.75 / 5 With proper estate planning, an individual can ensure that his or her property will pass to the right people
with minimal delay, red tape, and cost. This course explains estate planning in plain English, step by step,
option by option. It covers the estate planning goals of leaving property, providing for young children,
planning for incapacity, avoiding probate, and reducing estate tax.
Course #: 4060B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 24
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business
Total Pages: 572
Questions: 120
| ||
Employment Law | 20 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.71 / 5 The U.S. Department of Labor administers and enforces more than 180 federal laws. This course is designed to introduce managers to the most comprehensive and important federal employment laws and to give practical advice on how to manage in light of those laws. This course should prove useful to persons who manage employees on a regular basis in recognizing potential problem areas and providing practical ways to address employee issues in the workplace.
Course #: 7040C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 394
Questions: 100
| ||
QuickBooks: Comprehensive Guide New | 20 | Computer Software & Applications |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.62 / 5 This course will show you how to use QuickBooks to perform all of your accounting and payroll needs in one place. You’ll discover the key features of QuickBooks, plus refresh your knowledge of the other basics of small business accounting. It will guide you through planning the perfect budget, simplifying tax returns, managing inventory, creating invoices, tracking costs, generating reports, and accurately checking off all of your financial tasks.
Course #: 6030A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Computer Software & Applications
Total Pages: 560
Questions: 100
| ||
Excel: Comprehensive Guide | 20 | Computer Software & Applications |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.72 / 5 This course will help you unlock Excel’s full potential. It will walk you through the features and techniques
you need to know to get the most out of this powerful software. You’ll learn how to design worksheets,
use formulas and functions, and collaborate with colleagues. It provides a step-by-step guide for much of
the information and then moves onto more advanced topics, so that it is good for the new or experienced
user alike.
Note: The course is not specific to any version of Excel. It is written with a Windows format, but the
majority of information is applicable to Mac users as well.
Course #: 6025B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Computer Software & Applications
Total Pages: 489
Questions: 100
| ||
Medicare Fundamentals | 20 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 This course will serve as a guide to help navigate your way through the often-intimidating Medicare
process. You’ll find out about the benefits offered and how to avoid common costly pitfalls. Making
sense of Medicare can sometimes feel insurmountable, but this course gives you the accurate, practical
information you and your clients will need to overcome the confusion and handle the Medicare process
with confidence.
Course #: 8145C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 467
Questions: 100
| ||
Advising Independent Contractors and Freelancers | 20 | Management Services |
![]() This course will show all the legal and tax information needed to assist clients who work for themselves.
It is a well-organized reference that discusses things like deciding the best business formation, paying
estimated taxes, taking advantage of available tax deductions and credits, keeping accurate records, and
writing legally binding contracts and agreements.
Course #: 8170B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 20
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business
Total Pages: 464
Questions: 100
| ||
Financial Planning, Forecasting, and Building Analytical Capability | 18 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.74 / 5 This course will prove to be a great reference for many areas that directly impact an organization’s effectiveness. From budgeting and forecasting, analysis, and performance management to financial communication, metrics, and benchmarking, these insights delve into the cornerstones of business and value drivers. Dashboards, graphs, and other visual aids are used to illustrate complex concepts and provide a great reference at a glance. This course will provide real-world guidance on such things as improving planning and forecasting, building the analytical capability of financial information, effectively evaluating capital investments, and stepping up your game with leading-edge analytical tools.
Course #: 8135B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 18
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 496
Questions: 90
| ||
The How and Why of the Financial Collapse | 16 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.67 / 5 As the nation and world continue to recover from the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression, this course looks at the “how and why” as reported by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. See how it unfolded, from the housing bubble to the fall of American giants such as Lehman Brothers and the bailout of others. Prerequisites: A familiarization with financial markets.
Course #: 8035C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 16
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 294
Questions: 80
| ||
Excel - Advanced Reporting | 14 | Information Technology |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.61 / 5 This course will provide you with a blueprint that allows you to build Excel spreadsheet reporting models. With a focus on accounting, the reports created are finance-based, but the techniques described can be applied to any type of reporting. The tools utilized in this course can also be used for budgeting and financial modeling.
This is not a beginner course and does require a working knowledge of Excel. Some of the techniques can be complex, but they are explained so that you can easily apply them to your particular situation. Utilizing clear descriptions and straightforward analogies, you will learn how to apply useful functions of Excel in practical ways that will improve your thinking and make your reporting more efficient. Prerequisites: Requires a good working knowledge of Excel.
Course #: 4025B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 14
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Information Technology
Total Pages: 484
Questions: 70
| ||
A Guide to Federal Employment Laws New | 14 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.73 / 5 This course will explain the details of the 20 most important federal employment laws in the U.S. that
affect the workplace. You’ll find information on what each law allows and prohibits, which businesses must
comply with, and how to fulfill record-keeping, posting, and reporting requirements. Each law is covered in its
own chapter, and the information has been updated to include COVID-19 provisions wherever necessary.
Course #: 7060A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 14
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 477
Questions: 70
| ||
Maximize Your Productivity | 12 | Personal Development |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.66 / 5 This course reveals a comprehensive system designed to help you get more out of the time you have
while watching your productivity soar. There are quick and effective time-saving strategies that let you in
on the secrets to being more productive, earning more money, and getting more satisfaction out of life.
Course #: 8100C
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 12
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Personal Development
Total Pages: 253
Questions: 60
| ||
Bitcoin and the Digital Economy | 10 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.68 / 5 This course will explain what Bitcoin is, how it works, and how and why we are transitioning to a digital
economy. You’ll learn how Bitcoin and the blockchain operate in the real world today. It will also discuss
the deficiencies of traditional fiat currency, how it’s commonly manipulated, and how we can all benefit
from the adoption of new digital assets.
Course #: 8150A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 199
Questions: 50
| ||
Leading with Culture | 10 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.74 / 5 This course presents ways for corporate leaders to build a workplace culture that drives organizational
excellence and unleashes the full potential of every employee. It is delivered by a world-renowned
management consultant, motivational speaker, and former NFL professional, and provides a hands-on
blueprint for more employee engagement and opportunities for peak productivity. You’ll find details on five common roadblocks that prevent leaders from using culture to get the best from their people and how to
overcome them.
Course #: 8155A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 214
Questions: 50
| ||
A Guide to Business Entities New | 10 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.76 / 5 When starting a new business, one of the most important decisions is choosing the best business form
of operation. This course explains each of these specific business structures, discusses how they differ,
and how each will affect the bottom line. It provides information on the basics of business entities, profits,
losses, and tax treatments, plus you will find information on converting from one type of business entity
to another.
Course #: 8165A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 10
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 192
Questions: 50
| ||
Entrepreneurs - Fail Fast or Win Big | 8 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.68 / 5 Today’s markets move so fast that by the time an entrepreneur wrote a business plan it could be obsolete. This course will introduce you to a new business framework strategy, the LeanModel Framework, that shows you how to be lean, flexible and willing to change with the marketplace. It teaches you how to forego the least productive elements of business planning, in favor of getting your product to market sooner.
This course will explain why you should forego a traditional business plan in favor of a viable business model and a method to find, test, and sell to your market simultaneously. The faster you can get your product to investors and incorporate customer truths, then the quicker you will know the odds of being able to create a successful company. If the odds aren’t good, at least you have failed fast and can move on to the next win.
Course #: 8115A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 158
Questions: 40
| ||
Best Leadership Practices | 8 | Communications & Marketing |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.73 / 5 This course reveals the strategies used by top executives and business owners everywhere to achieve astounding results in difficult markets against determined competition. Readers will learn how to set clear goals and objectives for themselves and others, set priorities and focus on key tasks, solve problems faster and make better decisions, determine the ideal leadership style for any situation, motivate their people, and develop an exciting future vision for their business.
Course #: 5015A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Communications and Marketing
Total Pages: 178
Questions: 40
| ||
The Basics of Identity Theft | 8 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.76 / 5 More than ever before, the information explosion has led to the expansion of a crime in the form of
identity theft. This course provides an overview of the problems of identity theft, types of identity theft, and
remedies available for its victims. In addition, it will look at suggestions for businesses to use to reduce
the risk of such crimes. Lastly, the course focuses on several rules mandating practices for financial firms
to safeguard client information. IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00448-25-S
Course #: 7050D
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 241
Questions: 40
| ||
Ecosystem Economy | 8 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.46 / 5 This course takes an eye-opening look at the emerging ecosystem economy and what it means for
companies who are used to familiar sector silos. You’ll see how most successful companies today have
adopted entirely new mindsets and approaches to a fundamentally transforming market as opposed to
relying on old-school best practices. It will explain how this new ecosystem economy will continue to
evolve and change, thereby dissolving borders between the traditional sectors of the economy.
Course #: 8160A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 184
Questions: 40
| ||
Living Trusts | 8 | Finance |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.83 / 5 Trusts can be used to accomplish many goals, including tax planning, estate planning, providing income
to a spouse or disabled child, and charitable giving, among others. But, living trusts also have limitations
and are not the ideal solution for everyone. This course explains the role of living trusts in estate planning
and how other vehicles can be used to obtain similar results. It also discusses the limitations of living
trusts by providing readers with an overview of the probate process and the federal estate tax structure.
Course #: 4035H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Finance
Total Pages: 192
Questions: 40
| ||
The Law and Business Entities | 4 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.79 / 5 Deciding to start a business is just the beginning of many important decisions. One of the most important
questions to ask is, “What is the best business form to choose?” This course covers many of the factors
a business owner should consider when forming a business.
Course #: 7015F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 103
Questions: 20
| ||
An Introduction to ChatGPT New | 4 | Computer Software & Applications |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.76 / 5 We are on the edge of an AI revolution, so it’s time to understand how this latest evolving technology can be utilized to help streamline some of the most mundane and tedious parts of our day. This course will show you how to quickly and easily use ChatGPT to write emails and reports, simplify your to-do list, help with research, or even plan a vacation. It will show you the different tasks ChatGPT is proficient at (and some that it is not), as we all watch this new AI technology transform the future of work.
Course #: 6035A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Computer Software & Applications
Total Pages: 122
Questions: 20
| ||
Trusts: Living, Charitable, and Alternatives | 4 | Finance |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.89 / 5 Trusts are widely used in both financial and estate planning. This course provides an overview of two of
the most widely used trusts, the living trust and the charitable trust. It also reviews some alternatives to
trusts that can be used to achieve certain financial objectives.
Course #: 4040I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Finance
Total Pages: 96
Questions: 20
| ||
Data Security | 4 | Information Technology |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 CPAs, EAs, and tax preparers have a unique responsibility to safeguard their clients’ data because savvy cyber criminals know that they have access to very sensitive data, including social security numbers. This course will look at security recommendations from the FTC, both for general business information and
for tax preparer specific information. It will detail the FTC Safeguards Rule and outline how to create a
specifically tailored Written Information Security Plan (WISP). IRS Approval: XE26W-T-00433-24-S
Course #: 6020B
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Information Technology
Total Pages: 115
Questions: 20
| ||
Transferring Wealth | 2 | Business Law |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.88 / 5 This course covers the rights of a person to transfer their wealth both in life and after death. It also
discusses the requirements for filing the final tax return for a decedent and the tax benefits for the
Course #: 7025I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Business Law
Total Pages: 54
Questions: 10
| ||
The Corporate Transparency Act and BOI Reporting New | 2 | Management Services |
![]() Avg. Rating: 4.85 / 5 A new Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Rule was implemented beginning in 2024 that hopes to
prevent money laundering and other financial crimes by requiring certain companies to report who their
beneficial owners are. This course will detail this new rule and answer any questions you may have about
who the rule applies to and how to comply with it.
Course #: 8175A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Management Services
Total Pages: 85
Questions: 10
The following states accept General Ethics courses, all others require a state-specific course:
State | Course Title | Hours | Price | |
Gen | Frivolous Tax Arguments and Scams | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course discusses various frivolous tax arguments and scams in relation to a federal tax preparer’s
ethical obligations under IRS Circular 230. Additional information is provided on the civil and criminal
penalties that can apply to your clients and the various penalties that can apply to you, the tax preparer,
that violates ethical standards and your obligations under Circular 230. XE26W-E-00443-24-S
Course #: 9000J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 51
Questions: 10
| ||||
Gen | The 4hr Guide to Ethical Dilemmas | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to
sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations
you will need in the future. Also included is an overview of business responsibilities with internal fraud
prevention and management fraud. For information about your state's Ethics Requirements Click Here and select your state.
Course #: 9005H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 100
Questions: 20
| ||||
Gen | The 2hr Guide to Ethical Dilemmas | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to
sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations
you will need in the future. Also included is an overview of a business’ responsibility related to identity
theft. PLEASE NOTE: This CPA Ethics course is not approved for IRS Enrolled Agent continuing education. If you are an EA, please choose course #9000, 9015, or 9030.
Course #: 9010H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 69
Questions: 10
| ||||
Gen | IRS Circular 230 | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet general ethics requirements. It covers the IRS Circular 230 and Statements on Standards for Tax Services. XE26W-E-00417-24-S
Course #: 9015I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 66
Questions: 10
| ||||
Gen | Circular 230 and Frivolous Tax Arguments | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the tax professional with an ethical framework that the tax professional
can use as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. In addition to guidance provided by Circular 230, this
course discusses various frivolous tax arguments and scams and the court’s decisions regarding them.
Course #: 9020J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 97
Questions: 20
| ||||
Gen | Ethical Conduct for CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to
sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations
you will need in the future.
Course #: 9025I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 96
Questions: 20
| ||||
Gen | Ethical Responsibilities for Enrolled Agents | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet specific ethics requirements for Enrolled Agents. It covers the IRS
Circular 230, the NAEA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Rules, and IRS Practice Issues. XE26W-E-00444-24-S
Course #: 9030J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 75
Questions: 10
| ||||
AL | Ethics for Alabama CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Alabama. It covers the
Code of Professional Conduct, as well as an ethical framework to guide CPAs through ethical dilemmas.
Course #: 9035E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 59
Questions: 10
| ||||
AK | Ethics For Alaska CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Alaska. It covers the
Code of Professional Conduct, Alaska’s statutes and regulations, and provides guidance that affects tax
professionals. For more information regarding the Alaska Ethics CPE requirement, visit our Alaska State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Alaska Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9040F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 112
Questions: 20
| ||||
AZ | Ethics for Arizona CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Arizona. It covers the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and ethical dilemmas faced by CPAs in industry, as well as specific
guidance for Arizona CPAs.
Course #: 9045I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 103
Questions: 20
| ||||
AR | Ethics for Arkansas CPAs | 3 | $54.50 | Add to Cart |
3hr | $54.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the ethics requirements for the state of Arkansas. It covers the AICPA
Code of Professional Conduct and IRS Circular 230. Note: Beginning January 1, 2015, licensees must also complete one hour of CPE on Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy specific laws and rules. This requirement may only be satisfied by completing a web-based course via the Board’s website or attending group training taught by a Board member, Board staff member, or a designee of the Board. This one-hour requirement will count towards the 4 hour ethics requirement. For more information, please consult the Board’s website at http://www.arkansas.gov/asbpa/.
Course #: 9050F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 3
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 87
Questions: 15
| ||||
CA | Ethics for California CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of California. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as well
as California specific information. Please Note:
This course was specifically designed to meet the California renewal requirement of four hours of ethics education every two years for CPAs.
Please Note: That California has an additional requirement that CPAs complete a two-hour regulatory review course once every six years. If you are required to complete the two-hour regulatory review course, it is in addition to the four hours of ethics that this course offers.
Course #: 9051H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 110
Questions: 20
| ||||
CA | California Ethics - Industry Focus | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations you will need in the future. Also included is an overview of business responsibilities with internal fraud prevention and management fraud, as well as California specific information. Please Note: This course was specifically designed to meet the California renewal requirement of four hours of ethics education every two years for CPAs. California has an additional requirement that CPAs complete a two-hour regulatory review course once every six years. If you are required to complete the two-hour regulatory review course, it is in addition to the four hours of ethics that this course offers.
Course #: 9052G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 114
Questions: 20
| ||||
CA | California Ethics - Tax Focus | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the California CPA with the ethical framework that the CPA can use
as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. In addition to guidance provided by Circular 230, this course
discusses various frivolous tax arguments and scams, and the court’s decisions regarding them. It also
discusses information specific to California. Please Note: This course was specifically designed to meet the California renewal requirement of four hours of ethics education every two years for CPAs. California has an additional requirement that CPAs complete a two-hour regulatory review course once every six years. If you are required to complete the two-hour regulatory review course, it is in addition to the four hours of ethics that this course offers.
Course #: 9053G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 102
Questions: 20
| ||||
CA | California Ethics - Regulatory Review | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course satisfies California’s 2-hour regulatory review course requirement. CPAs must generally
complete this course once every six years. This course is required in addition to the four CPE hours per
cycle requirement for general ethics. This course has been specifically reviewed and approved For more information regarding the California Ethics CPE requirement visit our California State Requirements Page. Please note a 90% or higher is needed
Course #: 9054H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 246
Questions: 10
| ||||
CO | Ethics for Colorado CPAs - CR&R | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Colorado, including the
state’s Statutes, Board Rules, and Board Policies.
Course #: 9055F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 89
Questions: 10
| ||||
CO | Ethics for Colorado CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Colorado, including the
Code of Professional Conduct and ethical guidance that affects tax professionals. For more information regarding the Colorado Ethics CPE requirement, visit our Colorado State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Colorado Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9060G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 108
Questions: 20
| ||||
CT | Ethics for Connecticut CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Connecticut. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as well
as Connecticut-specific information. For more information regarding the Connecticut Ethics CPE requirement visit our Connecticut State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Connecticut Board of Accountancy Website
Course #: 9065G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 106
Questions: 20
| ||||
DC | Ethics for DC CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the District of Columbia. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as well
as District of Columbia specific information. For information regarding the District of Columbia Ethics CPE requirement visit our DC Requirements Page.
Course #: 9067G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 104
Questions: 20
| ||||
FL | Ethics for Florida CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Florida. It addresses a
conceptual background of ethics, the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, and the rules of professional
ethics for Florida CPAs. This course has been specifically reviewed and approved by the Florida Board of Accountancy. Please note a 80% or higher is needed Provider Approval Number: 0006178
Course #: 9075I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 113
Questions: 20
| ||||
GA | Ethics for Georgia CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the new ethics requirement for Georgia licensees (effective 01.01.2024)
including the minimum one (1) credit specific to the laws, rules, and policies of the Board. This course has
been specifically reviewed and approved by the Georgia Board of Accountancy as required.
Course #: 9080A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 87
Questions: 10
| ||||
HI | Ethics for Hawaii CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the Hawaii CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as
a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and
regulations you will need in the future. For more information regarding the Hawaii Ethics CPE requirement visit our Hawaii State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Hawaii Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9085E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 106
Questions: 20
| ||||
ID | Ethics for Idaho CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Idaho. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as well
as Idaho specific information. Note: All licensees who are newly licensed (including anyone newly licensed in Idaho through reinstatement, re-entry, reciprocity, or transfer of grades) as an active licensee, must first take a 2-hour state-specific ethics course. This course (#9090) CANNOT be used to fulfill this requirement - it needs to be two hours specific to Idaho rules and regulations. Please contact the Idaho Board of Accountancy if you have questions or need assistance regarding this requirement.
Course #: 9090G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 112
Questions: 20
| ||||
IL | Ethics for Illinois CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to
sort through ethical dilemmas. In addition to conceptual theories, this course provides detailed guidance
on the specific laws, rules, and regulations you will need in the future. For more information regarding the Illinois Ethics CPE requirement visit our Illinois State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Illinois Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9095G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 96
Questions: 20
| ||||
IN | Ethics for Indiana CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for CPAs licensed by the state of
Indiana. It covers ethical beginnings, the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the laws passed by the
Legislature, and the Board rules. For information about your states Ethics Requirements Click Here and select your state.
Course #: 9100G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 117
Questions: 20
| ||||
IA | Ethics for Iowa CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Iowa. It covers the ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, and Iowa specific information.
Course #: 9105F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 114
Questions: 20
| ||||
KS | Ethics for Kansas CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Kansas. It covers the
Code of Professional Conduct, as well as an ethical framework to guide CPAs through ethical dilemmas.
Course #: 9110G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 60
Questions: 10
| ||||
KY | Ethics for Kentucky CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Kentucky. It covers the
Code of Professional Conduct as well as rules specific to Kentucky CPAs. For more information regarding the Kentucky Ethics CPE requirement visit our Kentucky State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Kentucky Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9115G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 61
Questions: 10
| ||||
ME | Ethics for Maine CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Maine. It covers the
ethical pronouncements and rulings, as well as the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct, IRS Circular
230, and ethical guidance promulgated by the Institute of Management Accountants. For more information regarding the Maine Ethics CPE requirement visit our Maine State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Maine Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9125G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 110
Questions: 20
| ||||
MD | Ethics for Maryland CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations you will need in the future, including information specific to Maryland.
Course #: 9130F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 104
Questions: 20
| ||||
MA | Ethics for Massachusetts CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the Massachusetts CPA can
use as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules,
and regulations you will need in the future.
Course #: 9135G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 110
Questions: 20
| ||||
MN | Ethics for Minnesota CPAs | 8 | $109.50 | Add to Cart |
8hr | $109.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Minnesota. It covers
the ethical beginnings, various ethical pronouncements, Minnesota Statutes and Board of Accountancy
Rules, and the ethical dilemmas faced by tax professionals.
Course #: 9145F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 8
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 194
Questions: 40
| ||||
MO | Ethics for Missouri CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Missouri. It covers the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, as well as Missouri-specific statutes, rules, and regulations. For more information regarding the Missouri Ethics CPE requirement, visit our Missouri State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Missouri Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9155I
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 72
Questions: 10
| ||||
MT | Ethics for Montana CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for CPAs licensed in the state of Montana.
It covers the Code of Professional Conduct as well as rules specific to Montana CPAs. For more information regarding the Montana Ethics CPE requirement visit our Montana State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Montana Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9160G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 64
Questions: 10
| ||||
NE | Ethics for Nebraska CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Nebraska. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as well
as Nebraska specific information. For information about your states Ethics Requirements Click Here and select your state.
Course #: 9165G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 106
Questions: 20
| ||||
NV | Ethics for Nevada CPAs | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Nevada. It covers the
ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, and information specific to Nevada CPAs. For more information regarding the Nevada Ethics CPE requirement visit our Nevada State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Nevada Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9171A
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 66
Questions: 10
| ||||
NH | Ethics for New Hampshire CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of New Hampshire. It
covers the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, and
IRS Circular 230. For information about your states Ethics Requirements Click Here and select your state.
Course #: 9175G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 112
Questions: 20
| ||||
NM | Ethics for New Mexico CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the New Mexico CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use
as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and
regulations you will need in the future. For more information regarding the New Mexico Ethics CPE requirement visit our New Mexico State Requirements Page. You can also visit the New Mexico Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9185E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 106
Questions: 20
| ||||
NY | Ethics for New York CPAs - Foundations Course | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to sort through ethical dilemmas. In addition to conceptual theories, this course covers the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and specific guidance to be followed by New York State CPAs.
Course #: 9190G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 113
Questions: 20
| ||||
NY | Ethics For New York CPAs - Tax Focus | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course covers the IRS Circular 230 and Statements on Standards for Tax Services, as well as
regulations and rules to be followed specifically by New York CPAs. These regulations should be used to
guide New York CPAs when faced with ethical dilemmas. For more information regarding the New York Ethics CPE requirement visit our New York State Requirements Page. You can also visit the New York Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9191H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 114
Questions: 20
| ||||
NC | Ethics for North Carolina CPAs | 1 | $24.50 | Add to Cart |
1hr | $24.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of North Carolina. It
addresses the rules of professional ethics for North Carolina CPAs.
Special Note
This course is valid for renewal purposes for North Carolina CPAs only. This course is not the Accountancy Law course required by 21 NCAC 08F .0504 and does not qualify an individual to obtain an original or reciprocal certificate. The Accountancy Law course required for certification is an 8-hour course and should not be confused with this ethics course that is required for license renewal. If you have any questions, please contact the North Carolina CPA Board staff at (919) 733-1423.
Course #: 9197F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 1
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 35
Questions: 5
| ||||
OH | Ethics for Ohio CPAs | 3 | $54.50 | Add to Cart |
3hr | $54.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Ohio.
Course #: 9205H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 3
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 109
Questions: 15
| ||||
OK | Ethics for Oklahoma CPAs - 2 Hours | 2 | $39.50 | Add to Cart |
2hr | $39.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed for Oklahoma CPAs. It provides an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a
guide to sort through ethical dilemmas, as well as professional conduct rules specific for Oklahoma CPAs. For more information regarding the Oklahoma Ethics CPE requirement visit our Oklahoma State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Oklahoma Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9210G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 2
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 70
Questions: 10
| ||||
OK | Ethics for Oklahoma CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Oklahoma. It covers
various ethical pronouncements and rulings and ethical guidance that affects tax professionals.
Course #: 9211F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 116
Questions: 20
| ||||
OR | Ethics for Oregon CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Oregon. It covers the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and the Board of Accountancy Administrative Rules. For more information regarding the Oregon Ethics CPE requirement visit our Oregon State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Oregon Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9215J
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 121
Questions: 20
| ||||
PA | Ethics for Pennsylvania CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Pennsylvania. It covers
the ethical beginnings, the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals, as
well as Pennsylvania specific information.
Course #: 9220F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 104
Questions: 20
| ||||
RI | Ethics for Rhode Island CPAs | 6 | $84.50 | Add to Cart |
6hr | $84.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Rhode Island. It covers
the Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical dilemmas of tax professionals and CPAs in industry, as well
as Rhode Island specific information. For information about your states Ethics Requirements Click Here and select your state.
Course #: 9225F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 6
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 155
Questions: 30
| ||||
TX | A CPA's Guidebook to Ethical Behavior for Texas CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific 4 hour ethics CPE requirement for Texas and has been formally reviewed and approved by the Texas Board of Accountancy as required. It addresses the foundation of ethical thought, core values for the CPA profession including integrity, objectivity, independence, and responsibility to the public, as well as the Texas Board’s Rules of Professional Conduct. This course has been specifically reviewed and approved by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. For more information regarding the Texas Ethics CPE requirement visit our Texas State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Texas Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9245H
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 80
Questions: 20
| ||||
UT | Ethics for Utah CPAs | 3 | $54.50 | Add to Cart |
3hr | $54.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the general ethics requirements for the state of Utah. It covers the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and IRS Circular 230.
Course #: 9247E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 3
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 87
Questions: 15
| ||||
UT | Utah CPA Licensing Act and Rule | 1 | $24.50 | Add to Cart |
1hr | $24.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the one-hour specific ethics requirement for the state of Utah, including
the state’s Certified Public Accountancy Licensing Act and associated Rule.
Course #: 9248E
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 1
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 66
Questions: 5
| ||||
VT | Ethics for Vermont CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Vermont. It covers the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and the Vermont Statutes and Board of Accountancy Rules. For more information regarding the Vermont Ethics CPE requirement visit our Vermont State Requirements Page. You can also visit the Vermont Board of Accountancy website
Course #: 9255G
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 96
Questions: 20
| ||||
WA | Ethics and Professional Conduct for Washington CPAs 2025 | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to meet the specific ethics requirements for the state of Washington. It covers the
Code of Professional Conduct, the Washington Board of Accountancy rules, and the Washington Public
Accountancy Act. Special Note: The Washington BOA REQUIRES that the licensee complete this ethics course in the year the course is dedicated to. For example, this course (defined in the title as the 2025 edition) MUST be completed by December 31, 2025.
Course #: 9265K
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Ethics
Total Pages: 114
Questions: 20
| ||||
WV | Ethics for West Virginia CPAs | 4 | $64.50 | Add to Cart |
4hr | $64.50 Add to Cart | |||
![]() This course is designed to provide the CPA with an ethical framework that the CPA can use as a guide to
sort through ethical dilemmas. It provides detailed guidance on the specific laws, rules, and regulations
you will need in the future. For more information regarding the West Virginia Ethics CPE requirement visit our West Virginia State Requirements Page. You can also visit the West Virginia Board of Accountancy
Course #: 9270F
Delivery: Self-Study
CPE Hours: 4
Course Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
NASBA Area of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Total Pages: 91
Questions: 20

Contact Information
Customer Support: (800) 572-9675 or Support@SequoiaCPE.com
Monday to Friday 7:00am - 4:00pm PT*
*Our office will be closed 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day